Premier investment pool for Texas Local Governments
Close of Business
Current Rate
Allocation Factor
7-Day Net Yield
Weighted Avg. Maturity (1)
33 Days
Weighted Avg. Maturity (2)
62 Days
Market Value Per Share

Welcome to TexSTAR - an investment service created by Local Governments for Local Governments

TexSTAR offers Texas cities, counties, school districts and other public entities with an investment option that provides security, liquidity and efficiency for this management of public funds.

TexSTAR is a conservatively managed fund operated in full compliance with the PFIA, rated AAAm by Standard & Poors run by administrators with a proven track record. Our marketing and customer service staff is Texas-based with leading edge systems to handle the needs of our customers.

TexSTAR has been tailored to provide investment solutions to any local government investment plan, whether as a liquidity component, a comprehensive investment strategy or as a method to diversify an investment program based upon traditional banking services. Regardless of the need or objective, TexSTAR offers unparalled security in an investment scenario laden with risk.

TexSTAR Participant Services * HilltopSecurities
717 N Harwood, Suite 3400 * Dallas, Texas 75201 * * 1-800-TEX-STAR * 214-953-8890 * FAX 214-953-8878